Researchers have expressed the need to en­gage the private sector to under­stand the benefits of their participation in vaccine distribution and delivery pro­cess to improve efficiency and effectiveness in order to ease the burden on the government.

They also stressed the need for a stakeholders' meeting for deeper understanding of the government's policy and agenda on health interventions, includ­ing vaccines delivery to improve access.

These came to light at a dissemination and validation meeting held in Accra on study titled: 'Equitable Access to and uptake of the COVID-19 Vac­cines, especially the disadvantage and vulnerable groups in Ghana.' This was collaborative qualitative research by the African Health Economics and Policy Asso­ciation (AfHEA), the African Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and the United Nations Economic Com­mission for Africa (UNECA) un­dertaken in Accra from January, 2024 to December, 2024.

Ghana experienced some challenges in the procure­ment and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines, follow­ing the global outbreak of the pandemic in 2019, necessitating scientists to investigate into the issues and make recommenda­tions to mitigate such challenges in future pandemics.