Staff of state institutions have been urged to help in the fight against corruption by avoiding conflicts of interest in the discharge of their duties at their respective offices. According to speakers at a workshop on conflict of interest for representatives of state institu­tions, issues of corruption often have elements of conflict of inter­est embedded in them. The speakers indicated that by steering clear of conflicts of interest, public officials would contribute to the protection of public funds, shield themselves from potential sanctions associ­ated with corruption, and uphold their integrity The speakers were the Ex­ecutive Director (ED) of the Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition (GACC), Mrs Beauty Nartey; the ED of the Ghana Integrity Ini­tiative, Mrs Mary Addah; and the Anti-Corruption Director of the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice, Mr Stephen Azantilow. The workshop, held in Accra on Friday, was organised by the GACC with the aim of educating public officials on conflict of interest as a key factor in the fight against corruption. Funded by the Hewlett Foun­dation, it was part of the GACC's "Building Evidence for Increased Accountability in Ghana through a Multi-Stakeholder Accountabili­ty Initiative" project.