Dr. Omane Boamah, the ' (NDC) Director of Elections, has refuted Admiral 's claims that his political opponents are orchestrating a attack of misinformation and bamboozlement adjoin him and his party.

These assertions were fabricated by the admiral during the Ghana Report Summit, themed 'Dealing with Misinformation and Bamboozlement in the Accessible Election.'

President Akufo-Addo referenced the arguable 'Agyapadie' document, alleging that it was allotment of a artifice to befoul his acceptability advanced of the accessible elections.

However, Dr. Boamah has asserted that the action is not abaft such efforts and appropriate that the Admiral reflect on the agreeable of the "Agyapadie" document.

He questioned how a certificate admiration the President's accomplishments so accurately could abide if it were not based on empiric behaviour.

He added that instead of the admiral blaming the opposition, he should rather accede why his government has acutely accomplished the abrogating predictions categorical in the document.

"How appear I campaigned to assure the accessible purse? How appear I campaigned to advance Ghana? Yet this certificate is advertence that I came alone for my bodies and for my clan? If I were the president, I'd be added concerned.

"Instead of the Admiral agilely blaming the action party, the Admiral should accept a abstaining absorption about the agreeable of the 'Agyapadie' certificate as bodies are blame out there and analysis how appear he has collapsed so low to accept embodied these things in his government such that today, bodies who accept apprehend a certificate are adage that ah, that is the evidence," myjoyonline.com quoted him to accept said in an interview.


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