AdvertisementPresident Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo has continued his centermost acknowledgment to all who played a allotment in ensuring that the new Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) Operational Address in Takoradi comes to fruition

the admiral commissioned the new GNPC Operational Address in Takoradi on Thursday, 1st August 2024

"This advanced ability is not aloof a architecture it represents the accomplishment of a affiance I fabricated during the 2016 elections to decentralize development and ensure that the allowances of our accustomed assets are acquainted by the communities that accord so abundant to our nation's wealth," he said

"Four years ago, I cut the sod for this project, and today, we bless its completion. This address is strategically positioned to enhance GNPC's operational ability and serve as a agitator for bread-and-butter advance in the Western Region." Akufo-Addo inaugurates GNPC operational address In Takoradi Mr Akufo-Addo declared that the enactment of this ability will actualize abundant job opportunities and activate bounded businesses, accidental to the all-embracing abundance of the region

"It additionally underscores our charge to architecture a able-bodied oil and gas area that drives abstruse innovation, abilities development, and acceptable bread-and-butter growth

"As we move forward, let us abide committed to managing our assets sustainably and announcement bounded agreeable in the oil and gas industry. Together, we can accouter the abounding abeyant of our accustomed assets for the account of all Ghanaians."