President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has urged Africa coun­tries to transition from donor-recipi­ent relationships to genuine part­nerships that emphasise mutual interests and shared responsibil­ities. He stressed the importance of Africa taking the lead in defining its development priorities, arguing that true partnerships are essential for sustainable progress. President Akufo-Addo, speaking at the 5th anniversary celebration of the Council on Foreign Rela­tions (CFR) Ghana, held in Accra last Friday, highlighted that the cur­rent development framework often sidelined local communities and civil society organisations, leading to gaps in achieving the intended development outcomes. He said "development cooper­ation should be based on genuine partnerships that recognise the mu­tual interests and shared responsi­bilities of all stakeholders." This year's event was on the theme: 'The Limits of the Cur­rent Development Co-operation Framework for Africa's Transfor­mation.' It was attended by members of the diplomatic corp, both current and past diplomats, internation­al relation experts, current and former ministers of state and Members of Parliament. President Akufo-Addo said there was the need for mutual account­ability which was fundamental for effective development cooperation.