The Greater Accra Regional Chairman of the (NPP), Divine Agorhom, is facing criticism from his party amid allegations that he has sidelined crucial campaign activities in favour of pursuing a personal grudge against Dr. Daniel McKorley, popularly known as McDan, and his company, Electrochem Ghana Limited, according to report. According to the report, the controversy centres around Electrochem Ghana Limited's lease to mine salt at the Songor Lagoon, a decision that is reported to have sparked opposition from some local communities and interest groups who fear the potential impact on their livelihoods. Despite these concerns, the salt mining project has been praised for its economic benefits, particularly the creation of over 3,000 jobs, many of which are held by women from surrounding communities. Additionally, a Parliamentary Select Committee report has recommended that portions of the concession be allocated to local communities to mine salt responsibly, an initiative the company has reportedly already implemented.