Acting Spokesperson to the President, Felix Ofosu Kwakye, has clarified the circumstances surrounding the lateness of Gender Minister-designate Agnes Naa Momo Lartey to the swearing-in ceremony on Friday.

The development has generated reactions from a cross-section of Ghanaians since Friday when the event took place.

Addressing the issue during an interview on Accra-based TV3, he attributed her delayed arrival to an unexpected family emergency compounded by logistical constraints occasioned by the Jubilee House schedule.

Mr Ofosu Kwakye explained the rigorous schedule President John Mahama and his team managed in the lead-up to the event, which affected the swearing-in arrangements. "What happened was that this morning, President Mahama is scheduled to travel to Angola, Tanzania and Kenya for some very important government-related business and yesterday, he had a heavy schedule.