Private acknowledged practitioner and law lecturer, Justice Srem Sai, has accused President of advisedly deflecting from the bulk affair that care to be discussed about the arguable 'Agyapadie' book.

President Akufo-Addo, on Thursday, August 1, 2024, responded to the renewed discussions about the book, accusing his political opponents of orchestrating it.

During The Ghana Report Summit in Accra on Thursday, August 1, 2024, President Akufo-Addo addressed the 'Agyapadie' certificate as one of the affected account belief that accept been broadcast about him.

"In the countdown to the 2008, 2012, and 2016 presidential elections, I was a ambition of abundant apocryphal and awful belief advancing my believability and integrity. In 2008, bottomless allegations of biologic trafficking were spread, forth with abundant rumours about my bloom advised to casting agnosticism on my adeptness to serve as President.

"Again, the 2012 acclamation saw apocryphal letters of my declared arrest in London for biologic control and bogus quotes advised to activity indigenous tension. In 2016, it was declared by sympathizers of the action that I had dead my backward wife. Today, with a few months to the 2024 elections, they are at it again. The bogus certificate advantaged 'Agyapadie' is actuality advance about by agents of the action as affirmation of a admirable arrangement by my affair to addendum the assets of the state," he recounted.

Responding to the account by President Akufo-Addo, Justice Srem Sai said that President Akufo-Addo should accept tackled the key catechism of how the book has become a certificate of apocalypse about his administration.

He believes that the capital affair should accept been why the things predicted in the book are absolutely manifesting in Akufo-Addo's administration.

"The atomic bulk of analytical cerebration will advance us abroad from debating and haggling over HOW the Agyapadie book came into actuality - whether it's fabricated, conjured, minted, or brewed by whoever. Interestingly, however, that's absolutely area the President wants you to focus on. So, his accent was absolutely bashful on the alone affair account absorption on - how his government concluded up implementing the prescriptions in the book," he said on X.


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