In 2020, Thomas Amoani, a Senior High School graduate from Asuaba in the Eastern Region received public attention when he obtained 'grade A' in eight subjects during the 2020 West African Senior High School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) Despite growing up in a poor home and walking 12 kilometres to attend school daily, he pushed through his dreams and finished his studies. Today his story has taken a remarkable turn, as he recently graduated with first-class honours in Economics and Finance from a top university in the UK. This information was shared in a recent post on X by the Patriots. "The boy from Adeiso who dreamed of becoming an economist but poverty stood in his way found hope in President Akufo-Addo's Free SHS. The generational poverty of Thomas Amoani's family is broken," the post stated. His story caught the attention of President Nana Akufo-Addo, leading him to receive a scholarship from the government to further his education as his parents did not have the means to assist him do so.