Dr. George Akuffo Dampare, the Inspector General of the Ghana Badge Service, has antiseptic the role of the badge on affairs accompanying to misinformation and disinformation

Speaking during a console altercation at the Ghana Report Summit in Accra on Thursday, August 1, 2024, he rebuffed accusations adjoin the Ghana Badge Service that it engages in actionable accomplishments by arresting bodies accounted to accept peddled misinformation

Dr. Dampare explained that the Ghana Badge Service is not empowered to arrest bodies who appoint in misinformation and bamboozlement that do not accept any ramifications on the aegis and assurance of the country

However, he elucidated that the badge are empowered to booty actual activity adjoin anyone who peddles advice that has the abeyant to agitate the accord actuality enjoyed in the country

"Police accept not arrested anybody for affected news. What we are talking about is the law that says that if you go out there and alpha putting out things with the authority of bringing the aegis of the country into blemish to a akin that it will actualize abashing and for our actual adaptation to be destroyed, we will accord with you," he said

Dr. Dampare additionally appealed to the accessible to coact with the Ghana Badge Service and accordant agencies to activity misinformation and disinformation

"Disinformation and misinformation are civic aegis threats, and we should see them in that perspective. We should airing out of this abode afflicted as bodies gluttonous to accomplish a aberration from these challenges that abuse the aegis of our nation." "What do we appetite as a people? Do we appetite to be on the ancillary of appropriate or wrong? We accept to accomplish a decision. We charge everybody to be allotment of the band-aid in the activity adjoin bamboozlement and misinformation. Back bodies advance such bamboozlement or misinformation and you booty activity adjoin them, you accept some bodies advancing those who are angry it." The IGP added stressed, "The time has appear for us to accept a mindset change. All the things we accept said so far crave a mindset change. We accept become so atrocious to anniversary added such that our beatitude is acquired from the affliction of others. We are so blessed back addition is in a bad situation, and we charge ache to change from that." Watch the video here: