, the Minister of Health has provided added description on the columnist annual issued by his outfit, advertence that the $10million adumbrated in the absolution is yet to be paid to Account Ghana Auto Limited for their accouterment of additional genitalia and aliment of a agile of ambulances endemic by the state

Addressing the columnist on Thursday, August 1, 2024 Okoe-Boye explained that advice accessible to him from a Agent Governor of the Bank of Ghana indicates that admitting the arising of a Letter of Credit, no acquittal has been made

He claims that the agent governor explained to him that the BoG was cat-and-mouse for the aggregation to bear on their acceding afore advantageous the money into its account

"I batten to one of the Agent Governors of the Bank of Ghana who told me that not alike a dollar has been accustomed to the account provider. She said that it is absolutely a letter of acclaim and that it is back the provider has absolutely supplied the sparts to assertive tunes and assassinate the assignment that they are empowered to pay for the assignment done. So the governor fabricated me accept that they accept it with but haven't paid

"From the ambassador to the BoG, all these trails that our accompaniment actors should be accommodating to accord information. I advisedly didn't acquiesce my PR aggregation to put this in the beforehand absolution because I believed that the BoG if alleged aloft should be able to accommodate this information," he said

His description comes at a time back the aggregation Account Ghana Auto Limited had issued a acknowledgment to the claims adjoin it by Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, the Member of Parliament for North Tongu

SGAGL, in a annual sighted by GhanaWeb, refuted claims by the North Tongu administrator that there was some abomination in the acquittal of some $34.9 actor to it by the government for the acquirement and applicable of additional genitalia on some 307 government ambulances

The aggregation refuted the assertions by the MP that it was offered the arrangement by Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo afterwards aggressive abandonment - on a sole sourcing basis

It explained that it was allotment of 16 companies who bid for the arrangement for the account in 2018 and was called to be allotment of a bunch of 7 companies that got the arrangement because they provided the appropriate casework at a almost low price

"SGAGL is an SPV of a bunch of seven companies that alternate in a aggressive accretion process, not sole-sourced, and was adjudged on arete to annex and accommodate after-sales account and aliment for 307 Mercedes Benz Sprinter ambulances for the National Ambulance Account (NAS)." "A absolute of 16 companies participated, including the seven companies that eventually formed the Bunch during the pre-tender branch round. The companies that formed the bunch included Luxury World Auto Group Limited, Elok Consult, RDC Aggregation Limited, Beft Engineering Works Limited, Prestige Era Aggregation Limited, Bluemix Aggregation Limited, and Quality Supply and Builders Aggregation Limited," the annual read

The Ministry of Health in an beforehand annual accepted to advantageous $10million fo the aggregation for the aliment of the ambulances

"The Ministry of Health would like to act alone aloft the appeal of the Health Ministry afterwards the Ministry of Special Development Initiatives was attenuated to analyze that the Account Provider, Ghana Auto Group Limited, has not been paid an bulk of $34.9 actor as broadly reported." "The Ministry of Health is committed to ensuring a acceptable aliment administration for all fleets acquired for the National Ambulance Account to accommodate reliable, efficient, and safe emergency medical services," a annual issued by the Ministry apprehend in part