A man reportedly committed suicide by cutting himself in ObengKrom, Suaman Dadieso District, Western North Region. The Assemblyman of the area, Hon. Sampson Bediako, accepted the adventure on Nyankonton Mu Nsem on Rainbow Radio 87.5 FM

He said the man has been articular as Moses Frafra, who had lived in the breadth for two decades. He adumbrated that Moses had been all alone, catholic to Côte d'Ivoire, and alternate to the community

The Assemblyman added that Moses became ill with a hernia, and the association rallied to abutment him in abiding to his hometown because he had no ancestors nearby

According to the Assemblyman, Moses was clumsy to assignment due to his condition. He declared that Moses originally banned to acquaint them about his relatives, but afterwards ample convincing, he consented to acknowledgment to Bolgatanga. Moses had additionally told them he had a about in Techiman and would aboriginal go to that about afore branch aback to Bolgatanga

"We mobilized to accelerate him aback home, and he agreed to go on Monday. However, on Tuesday, we heard a gunshot in the afternoon, and back we confused to the scene, we saw Moses in a basin of blood. He had attempt himself in the arch and was lying in a basin of blood. A eyewitness saw him and aloft an alert

"The badge were notified, and the anatomy was recovered and transported to the Enchi Government Hospital mortuary. I accept he committed suicide out of frustration, as I cannot appreciate why he would do so." He added that the man, maybe in his backward 50s, had no phone, authoritative it difficult for them to ability out to any ancestors member