Reverend Christian Kwabena Andrews, Founder and Leader of the Ghana Union Movement (GUM), has promised to advance accountability amid political actors if adopted as President in the 2024 General Election.

He bidding affair about the "unexplained wealth" of some politicians and assured that his government would bulldoze flush politicians to acknowledge their assets and prove their antecedent of wealth.

In a annual abrupt aggregate with the Ghana Annual Agency, Rev. Andrews said the abridgement of accountability amid the political chic fueled bribery and encouraged the admiration to adventure into backroom for abundance accumulation.

"Politicians will be fabricated to prove their antecedent of abundance back I become President. We charge ensure that politicians annual to the bodies for the antecedent of their abundance above what they accurately acquire for confined the country," he said.

The GUM placed third in the 2020 presidential election, assault the acceptable Convention People's Party, People's National Convention, and the Progressive People's Party. The affair garnered 105,548 votes, apery 0.805 percent of the absolute ballots cast.

Rev. Andrews said GUM would body on its achievements in 2020 and assignment assiduously to affect the 2024 presidential and aldermanic elections.

The affair has promised to authorize factories in every arena and accomplish a chargeless anchorage to addition bread-and-butter activities and advance the active altitude of the people. "I will focus on the bowl accomplishment industry back I become President," Rev. Andrews said.