Nuumo Gbelenfo III, Acting Admiral of the Osu Traditional Council, has apprenticed Admiral Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and Chief Justice Gertrude Araba Esaaba Sackey Torkornoo to move bound to accept the anti-LGBTQ Bill to abstain God's acrimony on Ghana.

He fabricated the acknowledgment on Wednesday back proponents of the Bill paid a abode alarm on him and Sheik Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu, the National Chief Imam, to clearly advertise affairs to beef the adjournment in the manual of the Bill to the Admiral for his acceptance on Wednesday, August 21.

Nuumo Gbelenfo III, in his abode to the proponents, warned adjoin any delays in acknowledging the bill. He said: "If alliance was alone amid bodies of the aforementioned gender, we would accept apparent our admiral ally a man. But this is not the case. So, I am argumentation with the Admiral to do the appropriate affair and assurance the bill into law so that Ghana does not face God's wrath.

"It is a begrimed practice, so we are advancement the Admiral and the Chief Justice to booty the all-important accomplish to abstain God's wrath."

The National Chief Imam, Sheik Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu, stated: "This war is for all of us, not aloof one being or political party." He apprenticed the organizers to conduct their planned beef peacefully.