Miss Malaika Ghana 2023, the Civic HIV Adolescence Ambassador, Lady Nana Yaa Nsarko, has apprenticed the adolescence to accompany the activity adjoin HIV, emphasizing the adverse appulse on adolescent lives and communities.

During an alternation with over 800 acceptance of Wesley Grammar Academy on July 31, 2024, as allotment of her "Live On Campaign" Project, which forms allotment of the ART@20 celebrations sponsored by UNFPA and ABBOTT, she fatigued the charge for aggregate activity to action HIV's spread, decidedly amid the youth.

"HIV is still accustomed and accident lives. It attacks the allowed arrangement and break a being down," Lady Nana Yaa Nsarko emphasized. "To deliver your future, accompany the activity adjoin its spread. We charge assignment calm to anticipate new infections and abutment those active with the virus. Abstaining from sex and blockage are key."

The attack aims to coach and empower adolescent bodies to anticipate the advance of HIV, abate stigma, and accomplish abreast choices as they booty ascendancy of their health. Lady Nana Yaa aggregate claimed stories, highlighting the accent of abstinence, prevention, and support. "HIV is no discriminator; it affects anyone, behindhand of your age or career. If you don't chase a advantageous life, you're at risk."

She added, "If you appetite to be on bigger platforms like me, amuse abjure from sex. But if you've absitively not to abstain, amuse don't adjudge yourself; rather, assure yourself."

The acceptance affianced actively, administration their ability and allurement questions. According to the Civic AIDS/STI Ascendancy Programme (NACP), the 2023 civic developed HIV prevalence is 1.5%, advice to about 334,095 bodies active with HIV in Ghana.

Dr. Stephen Ayisi Addo, Programme Manager for the Civic AIDS/STI Ascendancy Programme, apprenticed acceptance to access knowledge, break healthy, and accumulate faith.

Rev. Aku of PAYDP, who represented the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), encouraged acceptance to seek advice on their female and empower themselves through education.

The academy allowable a ball to advertise their compassionate of the affair and allotment some of their experiences.