FIFA President Gianni Infantino and Ghana FA President Kurt Okraku AdvertisementFIFA President Gianni Infantino has accepted the Ghana Football Affiliation (GFA) for its admirable use of the FIFA Advanced programme

This was accent during a affair on Thursday with GFA President Kurt Okraku in Paris

FIFA Advanced provides comprehensive, custom-built abutment for football development in anniversary affiliate affiliation and the six confederations

Between 2016 and 2022, FIFA allocated $2.79 billion to its affiliate associations and confederations for football development, with Ghana actuality a key beneficiary

"I congratulated him on the Ghana Football Affiliation authoritative accomplished use of the FIFA Advanced programme, such as the contempo advancement to the Ghana Soccer Centre of Excellence," Infantino said afterwards the meeting

Recent improvements at the Ghana Soccer Centre of Excellence, the GFA's civic aggregation training centre in Prampram, accommodate new floodlights, which were switched on in April 2024

A 40-bed adaptation ability for civic teams is additionally advancing completion, forth with an added bogus arena surface

Ghana Soccer Centre of Excellence Ghana has additionally abutting the FIFA Talent Development Scheme (TDS) and hosted a TDS branch in June 2024 for 10 African affiliate associations

"President Okraku additionally explained how Ghana was benefitting from the FIFA Talent Development Scheme, giving anyone who wants to comedy football in Ghana a adventitious to shine. He additionally provided me with an amend on the assignment actuality done to animate greater changeable accord in our sport," Infantino said

Infantino added, "Ghana absolutely is a football nation, as I saw for myself during a appointment a few years ago, and the GFA is alive abundantly adamantine to ensure added adolescent bodies in the country can comedy our admirable sport. I attending advanced to continuing our accomplished accord and to seeing Ghana participate in FIFA tournaments in the future." Okraku, who has been at the captain of Ghana football aback 2019, accepted Gianni Infantino's abutment for African football

"FIFA, led by the President, has been at the beginning of abutment for the development of football, abnormally in Africa. It was consistently important for us to appoint and to apperceive how far we are going, how able-bodied we are doing, and what we accept to do to accomplish it much, much, abundant better," Okraku said

"I anticipate that the President is actual bright in what needs to be done. As the President of a federation, I'm additionally actual bright on the eyes of FIFA and calm we are both administration the aforementioned vision." Okraku emphasised that Ghanaian football is on the acceleration again. "We've alien added adolescence competitions, added adolescence civic teams… All our calm competitions are aback on clue and are timely. So I anticipate the angle looks actual good," he said

"What we accept to do now, activity forward, is to accouter the abeyant and the positives that accept appear out of what we accept done, and to accomplish abiding that we abide to advance on the assignment we are doing. But, at the moment, I would say we are on the acceleration again."