Dzifa Abla Gomashie, the Member of Parliament for Ketu South, has bidding optimism about the abeyant appulse of the '24-hour economy' action in creating job opportunities for the youth. She believes that the action will decidedly animate nightlife, abnormally aural the artistic industry.

"As addition advancing from the artistic industry, I accept lived and operated in it and accept what it agency to assignment 24 hours. The nightlife, area you get aggregate you appetite aloof as in the daytime, will accompany advance to our economy," she said.

She declared that it was a alive action that could actualize allowance to blot the abundant adolescence into employment.

In an account with the Ghana News Agency, accidental to its Gender-Desk profiling of Election 2024 changeable candidates, Madam Gomashie alleged on all well-meaning Ghanaians to abutment the action to about-face about the economy, which is analytical to the adaptation and sustenance of every Ghanaian.

"It's not about NDC, but it's all about what we charge as a country now."

Madam Gomashie entered Parliament in 2020 to represent the bodies of Ketu South in the Volta Region as the aboriginal woman to be adopted to Parliament from Southern Volta on the (NDC) ticket.

She is battling for the additional time in the December 2024 polls. She is one of the 40 women who entered Parliament in 2020 and is advantaged to be amid the 29 who were re-elected at the primaries of their corresponding constituencies.

For the accomplished four years, the MP has invested in abutment systems to facilitate apprenticeship for her accommodation to body animal capacity, which in about-face would appulse the bounded abridgement and development. She has additionally instituted a Vocational and Technical Abilities training affairs to alternation others, abnormally adolescent women, to access abilities to set up their own businesses and sources of livelihood.

She is hopeful that with adamantine assignment and commitment, she will win the elections convincingly, because the actuality that in the aboriginal affair primaries, the vote aberration amid her and her adversary was about 31. However, in the 2024 primaries, to allowance her campaigning for the additional time, she had added than 632 votes aberration than her abutting contender.

Speaking on women's leadership, she alleged for a advised attack by the accompaniment to put measures in abode to ensure that women's accord in babyminding and controlling is added because "we charge the feminine ancillary in legislating laws, which affect anybody in the country."

Madam Dzifa Gomashie is a acclaimed Ghanaian actress, producer, and scriptwriter who has formed in the artistic arts industry for added than two decades and has produced and directed abounding Ghanaian television productions.

She is a baby-kisser and was appointed as Deputy Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Artistic Arts by Former President Mahama from 2013 to 2017. She is additionally a queen mother with the name Maama Dzramado I in the Aflao Traditional Area. Prior to that, she formed with the 31st December Women's Movement and as a government appointee at the Ketu District Assembly.