The Ga Mantse, King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, has appealed to Ghanaians to participate actively in the 2024 accepted elections.

Speaking at the Inaugural Ghana Report Summit in Accra on August 1, 2024, he said all stakeholders, including the public, acquire a role to comedy in authoritative the elections peaceful

"We charge all assignment adamantine to accomplish 2024 elections peaceful. I address to Ghanaians to vote actively and abstain aborigine apathy. We charge to accomplish bigger and advance the balloter process. The EC has a albatross to Ghanaians to ensure peaceful elections. They should backpack out these expectations with professionalism as we exercise our mandate. Political parties should acquire the after-effects back the bodies acquire spoken," he said.

He additionally apprenticed political parties to appoint in abreast and admiring chat during the campaigns.

"Let us appoint in abreast and admiring dialogue; let's body a association area every articulation is heard. Capitalism is a journey; let us embrace this adventure with hope, bare of abandon and abhorrence speech, to body a approaching for Ghana. Let's abide to appearance the apple we can be counted aloft back it comes to democracy," he stated.


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