ASP Daniel Machator (Rtd), the Oti Regional Minister, has asked the association of the arena to alarmingly appraise their lives and development and renew the authorization of the (NPP) government appear December 7.

He said the NPP government has agitated out massive development projects in the region, so their connected voting for a affair that cared beneath about their community's development and their claimed lives was not account voting for.

ASP Machator gave this admonition at a association acquisition at Gyamonome, a agriculture association in the Kadjebi Commune of the Oti Region, on Tuesday, July 30.

The Regional Minister said the addition of the Free Senior High School action by Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has impacted absolutely and adapted the lives of abounding families beyond the country, and that registered voters should vote for the affair during the December 7 acclamation to abide with the acceptable work.

He additionally appear to the acquisition that the government has acquired a new brace loader, grader, and barter for administration to all the 216 metropolitan, municipal, and commune assemblies in the country for anchorage and added adorning projects.

ASP Machator (Rtd) said that to accomplish aliment and adjustment assignment on the machines easier, the arena has recruited two bodies and beatific them to China for training on acclimation the machines back they breach down, and that actual anon the assemblies in the arena would accept their machines.

The Oti Arena was the alone arena in the country that anchored all the aldermanic seats for the NDC during the 2020 acclamation out of the 16 regions in the country.