Service Auto Group Ghana Limited has responded to allegations fabricated by North Tongu MP Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa apropos the $34.9 actor (GH₵538 million) ambulance additional genitalia accretion deal

This follows Mr Ablakwa's apropos about accessible bribery in the deal, bidding him to address the Appointment of the Special Prosecutor

According to Ablakwa, the accord was agilely accustomed by the Accounts Minister bristles canicule afore his abatement from office.  The arrangement included after-sales account and aliment for the 307 Mercedes Benz Sprinter 315 CDI ambulances anchored by the government in 2019

He additionally questioned the angary of the almsman company, Account Ghana Auto Group Limited, which was congenital on April 24, 2020-one year afterwards the ambulances were commissioned in 2019-raising doubts about their accommodation to account the ambulances

He wondered why the government went advanced to accolade the arrangement to a aggregation that had been accusable in a address of the Auditor General

In a account issued on Thursday, August 1, the aggregation declared these claims as false

The account antiseptic that all companies complex in the transaction adhered to aggressive accretion processes, advancement candor and acknowledging with due acknowledged processes. Service Auto Group refuted the affirmation that it was "handpicked," advertence that it alternate in a aggressive accretion action alongside 16 companies and was called on arete to annex and accommodate after-sales account and aliment for 307 Mercedes Benz Sprinter ambulances for the National Ambulance Service

The aggregation accent that out of the 16 accommodating companies, seven eventually formed a bunch during the pre-tender branch round. It emphasized that the Ministry of Accounts accustomed a $10 actor Letter of Credit (LC) rather than authoritative absolute payments, adverse to the allegations. Additionally, coffer loans had to be acquired to accounts key obligations beneath the contract

The account additionally addressed claims about associations with assertive individuals, acquainted that while Stephen Okoro is a administrator of one of the seven companies, this advice is about accessible at the Registrar of Companies. The consortium, its basic companies, and Account Auto Group Ghana Limited (SGAGL) denied any wrongdoing

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