AdvertisementService Ghana Auto Group Limited (SGAGL) takes a austere appearance of absolutely apocryphal claims and absolute lies about its arrangement with Government for after-sales account and aliment for 307 ambulances

Notice is hereby served on those peddling the apocryphal allegations including by the media after attempts to verify same, that they, decidedly the amateurish and careless media, shall be captivated accountable for adventuresome accident to 18-carat business and reputations

The companies in the transaction accept at all actual times, including during the aggressive accretion processes, conducted themselves with candor and acknowledging with due action of law

While SGAGL looks advanced to allotment all documentary affirmation afore constituted analytic ascendancy of the State, SGAGL shares the afterward calmly absolute facts about the transaction: THE COMPETITVE PROCURMENT PROCESS FOR THE AMBULANCES SGAGL is an SPV of a bunch of 7 companies that alternate in a aggressive accretion process, not sole sourced, and adjudged on arete to procure, and to accommodate After-Saies Account and Aliment for 307 Mercedes Benz Sprinter Ambulances for the National Ambulance Account (NAS)

The aggressive accretion action commenced by the Ministry of Special Development Initiatives via an Invitation for Tenders anachronous 15th November 2018 with advertence cardinal MSDl/lPEP/AMB/RST/2018 for 275 units of 4×4 Ambulance Cartage (varied to 4×2 for 307 vehicles)

iii.        A absolute of 16 companies alternate across-the-board of the 7 companies that eventually formed the Bunch during the pre-tender branch annular and they are: l . Luxury World Auto Group Limited Elok Consult RDC Company Limited Beft Engineering Works Limited Prestige Era Company Limited Bluemix Company Limited Quality Supply and Builders Company Limited These companies came together, leveraging their ability and resources, and emerged with aberrant value-for-money hypothesis in their acute everyman bid of $133,000 per ambulance, compared to offers by competitors including Silver Star Auto Limited, alignment from $250,000 to $300,000 as appear by the Breakable Evaluation Report

The Consortium's Turkey-based supplier, EMS Mobil Sistemler AS AQ by letter anachronous 22nd February, 2019, acquired manufacturer's allotment from Mercedes Benz, an capital prerequisite for accord in the process

Manufacturer's allotment for the medical accessories to be installed in the ambulance cartage was additionally appropriately acquired from the EMSA AMBULANCES by letter anachronous 23rd February, 2019, addition analytical breakable requirement. The allotment provides a assurance acceding for the medical accessories and ambulances

vii.        In abounding acquiescence with breakable specifications, a absolute on-site analysis of the suppliers' accessories was undertaken with abstruse admiral of the NAS, Ghana Health Service, Ministry of Helah and two added accordant area ministries in Turkey and Amsterdam at the amount of the Consortium

viii.       The alone companies in the Bunch had specific allocations and appropriately supplied the ambulances, advantageous all applicative duties and allowance costs in abounding for seamless commitment of same

THE CONTRACTUAL PROJECTED BUDGET FOR SPARE PARTS FOR FIVE YEARS The After-Sales Account and Aliment Acceding was entered into in December 2019. It defined all-encompassing after-sales support, accepted servicing, maintenance, repairs, and accouterment of requisite automated and medical additional genitalia for the ambulances

The Bunch companies congenital the SPV (i.e. Account Ghana Auto Group Limited) on 24th April, 2020 with primary altar for auction of automotive and agent genitalia to accomplish the contract's stipulations. Herein lies the absolutely apocryphal affirmation that SGAGL was awarded a arrangement above-mentioned to its incorporation, back the absolute actuality is rather that the antecedent arrangement of December 2019 was to the basic companies of the Consortium

iii.        The assimilation of the SPV would artlessly aftereffect in an acceding absorption the new development with SGAGL basic a cardinal affiliation with Inter-City STC Coaches to admission its branch accessories for a country-wide coverage

SGAGL deployed three absolutely able Mercedes emergency adaptable branch vans for alert and able acknowledgment to abrupt issues, ensuring basal blow and optimal availability of these ambulances for analytical medical carriage services

SGAGL undertook absolute advance of the Ministry of Agriculture's branch in Kumasi, and repurposed it as a specialized branch for the maintenance, servicing, and adjustment of the ambulances for optimal operational address of the emergency medical vehicles

SGAGL has additionally complete a purpose-built branch at the National Ambulance Service's address in Accra, added accretion its abutment basement for the ambulance aliment program. Added projects in Ho and Takoradi accept adjourned due to acreage litigation

vii.        The arrangement specifies a account for additional genitalia for a aeon of bristles years accidental aloft the approvals of both the Coffer of Ghana and the Accessible Accretion Authority, and SGAGL has a committed barn ability in Tema for defended accumulator and administration of alien genitalia for use by the NAS

viii.       The $34.9M of which Letters of Credit (LC) was accustomed for $10M is falsely assigned to awning alone automated parts, and the amount afresh deceitfully allotted at about $113,000 account of additional pads per an ambulance

In fact, over 45,000 automated and medical additional genitalia (essential items) accept been supplied to the NAS back the ambulances were delivered. Acquittal for some consignments accept been in arrears, and a contempo shipment, financed with loans by SGAGL is on its way to Ghana

In account of the 2022 Performance Audit, SGAGL had cogent disagreements With the Auditor General's Report which it did not accept the adventitious to accord any responses by way of the Administration Letter. Nonetheless. SGAGL has back refunded the amounts abominably labeled as bifold payments to salaried agents of NAS, back these were in the attributes of ADHA for accomplished personnel. SGAGL deploys its teams in a appearance constant with the plan to alternation and alteration ability to agents of NAS confined agile abstracted from the 307

It needs emphasizing that the Ministry of Accounts accustomed a $10 actor LC, not absolute acquittal as falsely alleged, and that coffer loans accept had to be acquired to accounts key obligations beneath the contract

Except that Stephen Okoro is a administrator of one of the 7 companies, a actuality accessible to accessible at the Registrar of Companies, the Consortium, its basic companies or the SGAGL do not accept the associations falsely alleged, neither accept they affianced in any wrongdoing

The Bunch and SGAGL accept and will abide to act aloft lath in their dealings