It will be bald advertising if anyone discounts the improvements in Ghana's apprenticeship area over the aftermost seven years beneath the Akufo-Addo administration.

There is no agnosticism the transformation is axiomatic in assorted areas, such as the Free Senior Aerial Academy programme and the access in infrastructure.

The government has every adapted to avowal that it has fabricated apprenticeship bigger than it was before.

Of course, that should be the case because Ghanaians voted for political parties to appear in to advance the sectors that abutment activity in the country.

This is the case everywhere in the world, so that is not a novelty.

Novelty comes in back the abrupt happens in a accurate country, aloof like Nana Akufo-Addo has alien and abiding the Free Senior Aerial Academy arrangement in the country back he took appointment in 2017.

As we accept already acknowledged, the government has done abundant in the apprenticeship sector, but the country still has a continued way to go.

For example, so far, there has not been any acknowledgment of advance in accessible adapted schools.

Elsewhere, governments are accomplishing all they can to advice accouchement with disabilities that anticipate them from accomplishing able-bodied in approved schools, but it appears not abundant is actuality done in the country.

Some accouchement in approved schools accept acquirements difficulties, but because they do not accept arresting signs of disabilities like amaurosis and accent disorders, they are ignored, and their aeon stigmatise them as idiots or nonentities.

The country needs to activate screening all accouchement as they alpha academy to analyze those adversity from hidden difficulties and plan a bigger way of accepting all accouchement appropriately educated, alike if it is in approved schools for those who may charge aloof alleviative teaching.

Definitely, some accouchement charge complete adapted academy absorption and so charge be placed in adapted schools like the Academy for the Blind at Akuapem Akropong.

How abounding accessible adapted schools can the country avowal of?

It is sad to apprehend that alike the actual few abridgement the adapted basement and avant-garde teaching facilities.

It is sadder to apprehend that the government delayed absolution the allowance for the budget of these adverse adolescent humans.

We apprehend improvements in adapted schools in the country, and these should accommodate advance their facilities, establishing added of them, and abatement authority in affairs apropos them.

Also, there should be adapted incentives for agents who accept to advise and booty affliction of these adverse children, who, through no accountability of their own, are in this acute condition.

Another abandoned absoluteness about apprenticeship in Ghana is that best accessible inferior aerial academy (JHS) articles cannot read, and alike best of those who attack to apprehend cannot do any able reading, so they are not assuming able-bodied in academy subjects.

It is accessible article is actively amiss with both teaching and learning, and accordingly with agents and learners, which needs to be finer addressed.

There are added realities, including the abridgement of laws that can bind apprenticeship authorities, teachers, learners, parents, and the absolute association to abutment the development of apprenticeship in the country, which charge to be addressed.

But while accompaniment authorities plan to abode realities that are abandoned in convalescent education, the Ghanaian Times wishes to address that adapted apprenticeship be accustomed the accurate absorption it deserves.