Chair of the Electoral Commission, Jean Mensa AdvertisementThe Electoral Commission (EC) has appear the requirements for all -to-be presidential-parliamentary candidates to chase in acrimonious and appointment their forms for the 2024 accepted elections.  The Commission will accept nominations for the elections of the admiral and Members of Parliament from Monday, 9th September, to Friday, 13th September 2024

The Commission said absorbed Candidates are appropriate to download the Nomination Forms from its website ( from Friday, 2nd August 2024

A Applicant for Election as Admiral shall be nominated on the official Nomination Forms of the Commission, a account issued by the EC on Thursday August 1 said

The account said "Completed Presidential Nomination Forms for anniversary applicant for Admiral shall be active by: a) The Candidate

b) Not beneath than two bodies who are registered voters of anniversary District Assembly

4) The completed Nomination Forms shall baptize the being to serve as Vice President

5) The Nomination Forms shall be in quadruplicate and shall be delivered alone by the Presidential Applicant or any two of the registered voters who active the Nomination Forms for the Candidate

In accession to the completed Nomination Forms, the EC said, the Applicant shall abide four (4) copies of a contempo post-card (bust sized) photograph adjoin a red accomplishments assuming the abounding face and aerial of the Applicant to the Returning Officer

"Completed Presidential Nomination Forms shall be delivered at the Head Office of the Commission amid the hours of 9:00am to 12:00pm and 2:00pm to 5:00pm anniversary day. Candidates allusive for the position of Admiral will be appropriate to accomplish a acquittal of One Hundred Thousand Ghana Cedis (GH¢ 100,000.00) at the time of appointment their Nomination Forms. Acquittal shall be by Banker's abstract and addressed to the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission. Female Candidates and Bodies with Disabilities are appropriate to pay Seventy-Five Thousand Ghana Cedis (GH¢ 75,000). A Applicant for Election to Parliament shall be nominated on the official Nomination Forms of the Commission." Read the abounding guidelines for the nominations here