"If these boys are eventually caught and locked up, I don't want to hear any of you begging on their behalf," Ghanaian actress Lydia Forson wrote in response to the trending video. Thankfully, the footage has caught the attention of the Ghana Police Service. In a statement, the law enforcement agency announced that it "has commenced an investigation into a viral video in which a group of young men were seen harassing a female student." The statement further assured the public that the "perpetrators will be identified, arrested, and brought to justice." In the widely condemned footage, the helpless young woman is seen being paraded at night, while being pushed, lashed, hit, and manhandled by the crowd amid chants and booing. It remains unclear what offence the victim was suspected of committing to warrant the mob injustice meted out to her. All eyes are on the Ghana Police Service as Ghanaians await the outcome of the investigation.