The Chief Executive Officer of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA), Sam Pyne, has confirmed that the Ashanti Regional Security Council (REGSEC) has not taken a decision to close down the Kumasi Central Market on election day, December 7, 2024.
Rather, he says the REGSEC will do everything possible to protect public property before, during and after the December 7 polls, as they have always done.
Sam Pyne's comment comes at the back of a statement issued by one Nana Wiafe who claimed to be the Vice-Chairman of the Kejetia, Central Market and Abinkyi Market, opposing a possible closure of the market on the day of voting.
Speaking on the Ghanakoma morning show on Akoma 87.9fm in Kumasi with Sir John, Sam Pyne, said the Assembly will do its best to protect all the public property in the city.