The National Bloom Insurance Authority (NHIA) on Monday, July 29, 2024, launched the chargeless anniversary bloom check-up program, absorption the new aisle actuality pursued by the NHIA, which is antitoxin healthcare

At the launch, it was appear that Ghanaians can adore a countless of bloom casework annually for chargeless by aloof presenting their Ghana card

Among the allowances offered in the aboriginal appearance of this action are absolute screening services, including claret accountability monitoring, claret amoroso testing, anatomy accumulation basis assessments, and counselling. Referrals for added analysis will additionally be provided as necessary

In a accent delivered at the launch, the Chief Executive Officer of the NHIA, Dr. Dacosta Aboagye, categorical the aims, features, and purpose of the initiative, which ultimately is to barrier the billow in non-communicable diseases

He acclaimed that the new bloom action will advice action diseases such as fibroids, hypertension, and diabetes, which, according to the data, are acceptable above bloom issues in the country

Dr. Dacosta Aboagye explained that the action forms allotment of advancing efforts by the NHIA and accordant stakeholders to enhance the wellness of Ghanaians and ensure the blockage of diseases

“Let me say the NHIA and ally are captivated to acquaint this programme at this time, which embodies our charge to announcement antitoxin healthcare and ensuring admission to capital bloom casework for all.” “Health systems common are more recognising the accent of antitoxin healthcare measures. Aboriginal apprehension and action can anticipate austere bloom conditions, abate the accountability of diseases, and advance affection of life. Our chargeless anniversary bloom programme is advised with these goals in mind.” “By alms chargeless absolute screenings annually, we aim to analyze abeyant bloom issues at an aboriginal stage, acceptance for appropriate analysis and management. The aboriginal appearance of the chargeless anniversary bloom programme will accommodate a ambit of services, including bloom screening services, claret accountability management, claret amoroso testing, anatomy accumulation basis assessments, e-meds, counselling, and referrals area needed.” The programme is accessible to all citizens covered beneath the National Bloom Insurance Scheme and anyone who possesses a Ghana Card

He added, “This programme is not aloof about testing. It’s about educating our citizenry on advantageous lifestyles and antitoxin measures. I appetite all citizens to booty advantage of this chargeless account during their ages of birth.” On his part, Dr. Patrick Kuma Aboagye, the Director-General of the Ghana Bloom Services, gave a abundant breakdown of the abstracts that underpins the new administration actuality pursued by the NHIA and added stakeholders to focus on prevention

His abstracts indicates that in 2019, non-communicable diseases were amenable for 41 actor of the 55 actor deaths worldwide, equating to 74% of all health-related deaths

Alarmingly, 17 actor bodies beneath the age of 70 die annually from NCDs, with 86% of these deaths advised premature. The majority of these deaths action in low- and middle-income countries, including Ghana

“These statistics present the charge for us to do things abnormally if we are to absolutely use accepted bloom advantage in about six years from now and attain a advantageous citizenry for bread-and-butter development

“In our baby but impactful way, we accept the wellness abstraction approved to admission admission to screening and aboriginal apprehension of accident factors for non-communicable diseases, advance concrete bloom through acquaintance conception and acceptance of advantageous lifestyles such as acceptable nutrition, concrete activity, and advance of all-embracing wellbeing,” he said

The Board Chairman of the NHIA, Dr. Ernest Kwarko, commended the assorted bodies and organizations who played assorted roles in the conception of the action and assured that the NHIA will abide to analyze means of convalescent the healthcare of Ghanaians