The Assistant Commission­er of Research and Policy of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), Dr Alex Kom­bat, has urged the public to honour their tax obligations to help accel­erate the country's development.

According to him, individuals paying their respective taxes would enable the government to raise enough funds to undertake its developmental projects as it was running a deficit budget.

Speaking at the budget forum in Accra on Friday, Dr Kombat said the country could not raise enough tax revenue, and therefore, the gov­ernment had to borrow to finance the budget and other national development needs. "We must pay our taxes so that government can raise the needed revenue for national development," he said.

Dr Kombat said measures were being put in place to boost tax rev­enue aiming for an 18-20 per cent tax-to-Gross Domestic Product ratio by 2027 from 14 per cent.