AdvertisementThe acclaimed dancehall artisan from Jamaica, Adidja Palmer, additionally accepted as Vybz Kartel is now a chargeless man afterwards spending twelve years in prison

Vybz Kartel was appear on Wednesday afterward a Jamaican Cloister of Appeal adjustment for the artist to be appear calm with three codefendants

After his absolution on Wednesday, July 31, Vybz Kartel aggregate photos of himself alfresco accepting acceptable time with his accompany and wife

Jamaican Cloister of Appeal orders absolution of Vybz Kartel afterwards years abaft bars In a viral video acquaint by Vybz Kartel on X, the dancehall artisan is apparent built-in at the aback bench of a affective agent with his girlfriend, Sidem Ozturk who kissed him while the accompanist sips a canteen of Champagne

"I'm out! Me and my wife," Vybz Kartel said in the video

Am out! Me and WIFEY 🍾 - Vybz Kartel (@Vybz_Official) July 31, 2024 In the video, the dancehall brilliant had his arch covered. However, one could see that his face was bloated on the cheeks, acutely advertence that his bloom is not actual good

Meanwhile netizens accept reacted to the video advancement the accompanist to focus on regaining his health

Dr. Jay: World Boss! Please abdicate booze and booty NAD supplements, attic water, and all soil-based medications to anatomy your health! 💪 The apple is already yours! Welcome back! Bloom is Wealth

Decapro: What affliction do you have, quick healing from nature, and rejuvenation. Kenya is cat-and-mouse for your tour

Fanya Mema: Yooo Vybz you absolutely attending sick, your face is swollen, you are actual pale

Tweezy: 12 years wasn't acceptable for him.. Welcome home

In a accepted accommodation Wednesday, the cloister absitively adjoin a retrial in the annihilation of Clive "Lizard" Williams, whose anatomy was never found

The beauteous accommodation agency that Vybz Kartel, Shawn Campbell, Kahira Jones, and Andre St. John will be appear afterwards years abaft bars

"We achieve that the absorption of amends does not crave a new balloon to be ordered," the cloister read

The cloister said Wednesday, that there was acceptable affirmation to advance that Kartel would not be able to complete a potentially best book if there were to be a retrial

The cloister cited the "psychological and banking furnishings that it would accept on the appellants," apropos to Kartel's health

Vybz Kartel, formally accepted as Adidja Palmer - and his three co-defendants accept been behind bars in a Jamaican bastille back their arrests in 2011, and consecutive 2014 conviction, for the murder of Clive "Lizard" Williams, whose anatomy was never found