The Electoral Commission's (EC) cleanup aborigine allotment exercise begins Thursday, August 1, 2024, and will run through Saturday, August 3, 2024

This three-day exercise aims to accommodate an befalling for individuals who angry 18 afterwards the contempo Limited Aborigine Registration, as able-bodied as those who were ahead clumsy to register, to accept their names added to the voters' register

The EC aims to annals amid 50,000 and 70,000 new voters during this period

Allotment will booty abode at 268 commune offices, 26 accessible universities, and 41 bastille centers beyond the country

Earlier this year, from May 7 to 29, the EC conducted a Limited Aborigine Allotment exercise, which resulted in the accession of 778,447 new voters to the register

Of these, 408,332 were females (52.45%) and 370,115 were males (47.55%)

Currently, the conditional voters' annals stands at 18,681,366

To ensure abiding internet connectivity during the online allotment process, the EC has affianced the casework of Mobile Telecommunication Network (MTN)

Eligible applicants charge present either a Ghana Card or a Ghana Passport as affidavit of eligibility

In the absence of these documents, an appellant will crave two registered voters to act as guarantors

The EC has defined that guarantors can alone agreement for up to 10 voters, and those who accept already affirmed for 10 voters during the antecedent exercise cannot do so afresh during this cleanup exercise

This action is in accordance with Regulation 2 of CI 91, as adapted by CI 126

During the exercise, political parties are acceptable to accelerate their agents to beam the allotment process

The EC has brash these agents to conduct themselves professionally to ensure a bland and incident-free exercise

The EC has additionally apprenticed parents and guardians to anticipate accouchement who are not yet 18 years old from attempting to register

Allotment centers will be accessible from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. anniversary day of the exercise