Osman Ayariga, a Deputy National Youth Organizer of the (NDC), has stated that the next three months are going to witness uncomfortable political activism against the government. Mr. Ayariga asserted that the youth of Ghana have been too quiet and need to become more proactive in the fight for change. "We have remained too calm," Ayariga stated. "It is time for us to fight because victory will not come easily. We are the green army of this country, the revolution soldiers, and in the next three months, we shall make this country ungovernable for the New Patriotic Party (NPP)." He vowed that the NDC's youth would demonstrate, campaign vigorously, and make the NPP's governance difficult. Ayariga accused the ruling party of corruption and mismanagement, pledging that they would be held accountable for alleged stolen funds, inflated contracts, and corrupt deals. "We shall demonstrate, we shall be on the streets, we shall campaign we will make it ungovernable.