AdvertisementThough agronomics is the courage of Ghana's economy, the area continues to face challenges in agreement of admission to affordable and advantageous technologies

The bearings generally leads to low yields and abatement in the assets of best farmers, appropriately assuming a blackmail to aliment security

To accomplish admission to agronomics technologies accessible and cheap, the Crops Analysis Institute of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Analysis (CSIR-CRI) is basic a bunch with ample calibration acreage enterprises to arch the gap amid technology development and utilization

The adversity in accessing agronomical technologies is not appropriate to Ghanaian farmers only, but added farmers in West and Central African countries

To abode this and enhance aliment security, the West and Central African Council for Agronomical Analysis and Development (CORAF), the World Bank through its Aliment Systems Resilience Project, and USAID accept sponsored the accumulation of a bunch amid Crops Analysis Institute and seven ample calibration acreage enterprises to abutment the farmers

Director-General of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Professor Paul Bosu adumbrated that, "we appetite to abetment the farmers with the technologies that CSIR has developed over the years so that if we accept aerial yielding, climate-resistant, and pest- aggressive varieties, they will be able to accept them. We will booty them through affection berry production, and best agronomic practices as well. All things actuality equal, above array will beggarly college yields, college assets and added aliment on the market." Professor Paul Bosu For the Technical Manager at CORAF iREACH, Dr Caroline Makamto Sogbui "this bunch is paving the way so that in the future, it will be accessible for technology developed to get to the farmers. It agency that the analysis institution, the farmers and clandestine area are activity to assignment calm to actualize enabling ambiance to facilitate the alteration of technology." Dr Caroline Makamto Sogbui For the almsman farmers the action is refreshing, because the attempt they go through to admission bigger seeds

"Access to berry has been our capital challenge. We accept to go for loans to accredit us to get bigger seeds. But with this partnership, we will be able to save money and alike aggrandize our acreage size," a farmer, Yussif Bunbas shared