AdvertisementThe petitioners in the case of Santrokofi, Akpafu, Likpe and Lolobi accept filed an address adjoin the accommodation of the Ho Aerial Cloister to bandy out the address arduous the acclamation of John Peter Amewu as affiliate of Parliament for Hohoe

They said in their address that "the balloon adjudicator egregiously erred in absolution the address on the arena that the Aerial Cloister did not accept jurisdiction." "The balloon adjudicator erred in declining to acknowledge that on a able estimation of C.1 112, the SALL acceptable areas did not become allotment of the Oti arena but abide allotment of the Hohoe Municipality as able-bodied as Hohoe Constituency, affairs which did not crave built-in interpretation." They additionally adumbrated that the balloon adjudicator erred in declining to recognise that there were assorted approved breaches on the allotment of the Electoral Commission, which rendered the acclamation of Mr Amewu abandoned by advantage of the Representation Peoples Law 1992 (PNDCL284) Section 20(1)(b)

They are accordingly gluttonous reliefs including an adjustment ambience abreast the acumen of the aerial cloister delivered on July 29

"A acknowledgment that the acclamation of the 2nd acknowledging as MP for the Hohoe constituency afterward the December 2020 aldermanic acclamation is absent and void," they added

The Ho Aerial Cloister absolved the address on area of defective jurisdiction

The authority of Mr. Amewu's elections was challenged on the base of the disability of some 13 communities from SALL who were denied the befalling to vote in the aldermanic elections in the December 2020 exercise

The association accept back been larboard after a representation in Parliament. Five association from SALL petitioned the Ho Aerial Cloister to abate the acclamation of John-Peter Amewu to become MP

After authoritative a backward access into the audition of the petition, John-Peter Amewu at the aftermost audition alien three new issues to the case, which the NDC in the arena says was a artifice to adjournment the case