Thomas Ampem Nyarko, Member of Parliament (MP) for the Asuogyaman Constituency, has commissioned a clinic for residents of Powmu in the Eastern Region. The GHS 1.3 million facility has a laboratory and accounts department, a records room, an injection room, a labor ward, a maternity dispensary, changing rooms, a consulting room, pediatric wards, an obstetric ward, male and female surgical wards, a kitchen, and washrooms, among others. The facility, whose construction was initiated by the MP with funding from the Duston Group of Companies, is equipped to provide a wide range of essential health services. The health facility is to bring quality healthcare to the doorsteps of the people of the Powmu community and its environs. Aside from enhancing patient comfort and safety, the clinic will help reduce the burden on the only referral hospital in the region, the (VRA) Hospital in Akosombo, and other health facilities in the district.