The Flagbearer of the Civic Dem­ocratic Congress (NDC), John Dra­mani Mahama says he will complete all alone projects beyond the country afore starting new ones afterwards acceptable the 2024 elections

To that end, he said, the affair had commissioned appropriate aggregation that was demography account of all alone projects and would advanced it to the administering for the all-important action

• Above President John Dramani Mahama Additionally, he adumbrated the NDC's boldness not to footstep the aisle of the accepted administering as it was committed to commutual all advancing projects in the country

Former Present Mahama said this back he aforetime intro­duced, Prof. Naana Jane Opoku- Agyemang, his active acquaintance in the 2024 presidential elections. The addition of the active acquaintance who is a built-in of Komenda in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo- Abrem (KEEA) Constituency of the Central Arena follows the party's civic attack launched captivated in Tamale

It additionally served as a belvedere to ask for the blessings of chiefs and bodies of the arena for the NDC in this year's presidential and parlia­mentary elections

The NDC, according to the for­mer President, would booty up the built-in alteration analysis action afterwards acceptable this year's elections, advertence "we accept acclimated this architecture for added than 30 years, this is the time for us to attending at it." Due to the complete ability in the President with account to appoint­ment, he said, the Built-in Analysis Committee for instance recommended 15 as the cap for the Supreme Court

The abutting NDC administering according to Mr Mahama, would accord chiefs some ascendancy in agreement of sanitation and ecology aegis in the acceptable author­ity because the agencies allowable to do so were clumsy to do so because they don't absolutely accept an adapter to the areas

He acclaimed that, the adorning adventure and ability of Prof. Opoku-Agyemang, he indicated, appearance the attestation of the ethics and arete that the Central Arena embodies

He said his active acquaintance was courteous, cultured, bookish hum­bled, compassionate and acute to the needs of all people, adage "she is abounding of wisdom, she is like accessible book and her candor is 100 per cent intact." He adumbrated that the country was at the crossroads, abacus that "our nation has been apprenticed to the bend of annoyed and said he was blessed to be at home." The NDC, he adumbrated had not larboard the Central Arena out back in government and said the affair larboard cogent additions to the basement of the region

He said during the eight-year of Prof. Mills and Mahama adminis­tration, the affair complete the Komenda Sugar Branch that had been foolishly alone beneath the accepted administration

He gave an affirmation that, the abutting NDC administering would do aggregate beneath its ability to operationalise the Komenda Sugar branch so that it can accommodate application for the adolescence in the region

The party, he declared body the El­mina Fish Processing Plant, clean the Elmina Castle Bridge, Cape Coast Sports Stadium, Kotokuraba Market, authorize the Essuershia baptize analysis plant, affiliated hundreds of communities to the civic electricity grid, construct­ed new accessory schools and E-Blocks from assorted genitalia of the arena amid others

Prof. Naana Opoku-Agyemang according to above President Ma­hama, was incorruptible and had complete moral ethics and said she brought unparalleled adherence to convalescent the apprenticeship mural back she served as a Minister of Education

He said it was beneath the watch of his active acquaintance that the con­struction of 124 association day academy started with added than 73 of those archetypal E-Blocks complet­ed afore the NDC absent the 2016 elections

He said, abounding of those academy blocks had been alone and had been beat by weeds, adage "I can assure you that we are activity to complete all such projects back we accept administering of the coun­try in 2025." He declared that the abolition that had been acquired by the accepted administration, appropriate the best bodies with accurate clue almanac and ability to deliver the country

The President of the Central Re­gional House of Chiefs, Odeefuo Amoakwa Buadu VIII, in his ad­dress, declared that, the alternative of Prof. Opoku-Agyemang demon­strates the aplomb that the above President had in addition from the Central Arena for the additional time

He bidding the boldness of the chiefs from the Central Arena to accomplice with above President Mahama afterwards acceptable the 2024 acclamation to beforehand the develop­ment of the arena in the breadth of alley architecture and application amid others

He bidding affair about the wanton abolition of backwoods awning as a aftereffect of actionable mining activities and alleged for the empow­erment of acceptable authorities to barrier the menace

Prof. Naana Jane Opoku- Agyemang, in her remarks, alleged for abutment from the arena for the NDC in the 2024 elections