The Santrofi, Akpafu, Likpe, and Lolobi (SALL) acclamation petitioners accept filed an address adjoin the Ho High Court's accommodation to abolish their case arduous the authority of John Peter Amewu's acclamation as Member of Parliament for Hohoe

This comes afterwards the High Cloister absolved their address on July 29, 2024, citation abridgement of jurisdiction

Approximately 17,000 voters from the SALL enclave, which includes 13 communities, did not participate in the 2020 aldermanic elections

In response, bristles SALL association petitioned the High Cloister in Ho to abate the aldermanic acclamation after-effects that led to Amewu's election

The court, however, disqualified that the petitioners' address finer questioned the amends of CI 128, the adjustment acclimated by the Electoral Commission (EC) to conduct the 2020 elections

Unhappy with the High Court's decision, the petitioners accept now taken their case to the Cloister of Appeal

"The balloon adjudicator egregiously erred in absolution the address on the arena that the High Cloister did not accept jurisdiction," quoted the petitioners as accepting said

They added argued that "The balloon adjudicator erred in declining to acknowledge that on a able estimation of CI 112, the SALL acceptable areas did not become allotment of the Oti arena but abide allotment of the Hohoe Municipality as able-bodied as the Hohoe Constituency, affairs which did not crave built-in interpretation." The petitioners additionally accused the Electoral Commission of committing several approved breaches, which they affirmation rendered Peter Amewu's acclamation invalid beneath the Representation of the People Law 1992 (PNDCL 284) Section 20(1)(b)

"There were assorted approved breaches on the allotment of the Electoral Commission," they asserted, the address added

The address seeks to annul the High Court's acumen delivered on July 29 and includes a address for "a acknowledgment that the acclamation of the 2nd acknowledging as MP for the Hohoe constituency afterward the December 2020 aldermanic acclamation is absent and void." The petitioners advance that their accusation raises cogent issues that deserve absolute administrative consideration

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