Parliament adjourned sine die on July 30, 2024, afterwards a advantageous third affair of the fourth session

During this session, several cogent bills were approved, abstraction the aldermanic mural of the nation

The accustomed bills include: Borough Roads Ascendancy Bill, 2023: The bill, anesthetized in June 2024, establishes the Borough Roads Ascendancy as the unified anatomy amenable for the planning, development, maintenance, and administration of the borough alley arrangement in Ghana

This new ascendancy will accommodate three key agencies: the Ghana Highway Authority, the Department of Burghal Roads, and the Department of Feeder Roads

This affiliation aims to accumulate operations, enhance coordination, and aerate the appulse of investments in the alley sector, confined both burghal and rural areas

The bill was confused by the Minister of Roads and Highways, Francis Asenso-Boakye, and is apprehension presidential assent

Borough Account Ascendancy Bill, 2024: The Borough Account Ascendancy Bill, 2024, aims to authorize the Borough Account Ascendancy to activate and column individuals able for Borough Account in areas of borough priority

The bill promotes borough responsibility, discipline, patriotism, borough cohesion, and voluntarism amid borough account personnel

It was alien beneath a affidavit of coercion by the Minister of Education on June 14, 2024, and was anesthetized afterwards actuality accounted burning by the Committee on Education

Ghana Civil Aerodynamics Bill, 2024: This new legislation aims to authorize the Ghana Civil Aerodynamics Ascendancy (GCAA) as an free article amenable for aerodynamics assurance and security

The bill repeals and replaces the absolute Ghana Civil Aerodynamics Act, 2004, and its amendments

It provides a acknowledged framework for the GCAA to action air aeronautics casework in the Accra Flight Information Region until the new Ghana Air Aeronautics Casework Agency is established

The bill additionally introduces new assurance and aegis regulations and enhances the GCAA's adeptness to assure acute data

Ghana Shippers' Ascendancy Bill, 2024 Anesthetized on July 29, 2024, this bill empowers the Ghana Shippers' Ascendancy (GSA) to abode issues such as arbitrary charges, abridgement of transparency, and abortive adjustment in the dejected economy

The new legislation replaces the 50-year-old enactment law of the GSA, ensuring alignment with all-around best practices

The bill aims to assure traders from arbitrary analysis by bunch aircraft account providers and addresses gaps in the antecedent law and absolute Aldermanic Instruments

Affirmative Action (Gender Equity) Bill, 2024 This bill aims to abode social, cultural, economic, and political gender imbalances in Ghana, stemming from actual bigotry adjoin women and assiduous affectionate norms

The bill seeks to ensure gender disinterestedness in both the accessible and clandestine sectors

In accession to the aldermanic approvals, the affair featured some key presentations

One of them was the actualization of the Minister of Finance, Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam, to present the 2024 Mid-Year Budget Review

Furthermore, Jean Mensa, Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, was in the House to accommodate an amend on the commission's affairs for the accessible 2024 elections