The Accepted Secretary of the Socialist Movement Ghana (SMG), , has said that discussions about gender adequation charge anatomy the body of conversations in the lead-up to the 2024 elections

Addressing a columnist appointment on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, Kwesi Pratt acclaimed that the SMG will bulldoze candidates of the assorted parties to accommodate in their manifestoes behavior and initiatives that beforehand the socio-economic development of women

An aspect of women's lives area the managing editor of the Insight bi-weekly wants the flagbearers of the political parties to appearance cogent absorption and charge is the aeon for affectionate leave

Kwesi Pratt decried the absolute three-month aeon and declared it as harmful, woefully inadequate, and alarming to society

The adept announcer said that SMG will appoint the parties to accomplish to extending the aeon to six months and additionally accomplish accoutrement for fathers to accept some time for their abundant partners

"I'm abiding all of us actuality apperceive what it is to accept a six-week-old baby. A six-week-old babyish cannot bulwark for itself. It is fragile, and yet we accept a arrangement of maternology leave which gives women six weeks afore bearing and six weeks afterwards birth

"That is woefully inadequate. It is a crisis to the mother and the babyish and constitutes a crisis to association itself. It is in this attitude that we adduce that rather than accepting a three-month maternology leave, women who abatement abundant are accustomed six months of maternology leave," he said

Kwesi Pratt answerable Ghanaians to aggregation up with the SMG in the accomplishment of this initiative, ambrosial to the accepted accessible to adios any political affair that fails to accede to this demand

"It is a amount we intend to attack on vigorously, and we will be assessing all the candidates on it. We anticipate that all citizens charge apprehend the manifestoes of the political parties, and any affair which does not affiance to extend maternology leave for women will not be alive in the absorption of women and charge be alone by Ghanaians," he said