The chiefs and bodies of the catchment communities of Asante Gold Chirano Limited is advancement companies that accomplish in their breadth to challenge the amusing action programs agitated out by the abundance to beforehand development in the area.

Dwantoahene of the Sefwi Wiawso Traditional board and arch of Sefwi Ahwiaa, Nana Kofi Nkoah II, says opportunities actuality offered by Asante Gold Chirano is transforming lives in the breadth and convalescent the active altitude of bounded communities.

He was speaking at a graduation commemoration to for twelves acceptance who accustomed scholarships from the Abundance to abstraction at the Kumasi Methodist Technical and Vocational Institute. The three-year training affairs able the beneficiaries with abilities in auto engineering, adjustment and fabrication, architecture and construction, automated engineering, and electrical engineering.

According to Nana Nkoah II, Asante Gold Chirano has over the years offered these adolescence training opportunities, which accept benefited and aerial abounding families out of poverty, he cited an archetype of himself, not actuality able to abide his apprenticeship in the 1970s due to abridgement of support, but today, some of his association associates in agnate situations accept been able to beforehand with the abutment of the Mine's scholarship programs.

General Manager of Asante Gold Chirano Limited, Stephen Asante Yamoah common that the aggregation durably accept in the transformative ability of apprenticeship and that accurate abundance arises not alone from actual abundance but additionally from adorning the abeyant aural our youth. By advance in education, we pave the way for a brighter, added acceptable future.

He brash that scholarship beneficiaries that commutual their accessory apprenticeship marks the alpha of a adventure abounding with amaranthine possibilities. "The abilities and ability you've acquired will serve as the foundation for your future.

The General Manager added that the acceptance are now allotment of our aggregate accomplishment to accommodate abilities training for bounded youth, authoritative them employable. Last year, 50 adolescence accustomed barter active training, and abounding of them are now active active by our business partners.

Mr Yamoah Announced that the Chirano Sefwiman Scholarship Scheme, which was started in 2020, will see its aboriginal accumulation of acceptance admission from assorted tertiary institutions this year.

He thanked the adroitness and agents of the Kumasi Methodist Technical and Vocational Institute, association leaders and parents for their support.