The renowned man of God, Bishop Salifu Amoako and his wife Mouha Amoako, parents of Elrad Amoako, whose actions resulted in the crash that claimed two lives at East Legon, have been granted bail by the Accra High Court.Salifu and Mouha Amoako were arrested by the police on October 15 and put before the court on October 16.They have been charged with permitting an unlicensed person to drive. According to the facts of the case presented by prosecution, the two admitted during interrogation that they allowed their child, who is the suspect in the case to drive to gym and to some other places. In court, prosecution revealed that the keys to the Jaguar car which belongs to Mouha Amoako, mother of the suspect, was given to the Elrad by a third accused person, Linda Bempah, who has also been granted bail.Lawyers for the accused prayed the court to grant them bail because they are no flight risk "…as they have fixed places of abode, gainfully employed, known in society and will make themselves available for trial."