AdvertisementThe billow in alley blow fatalities in Ghana has been declared as adverse and alarming by alley users

The latest alley blow abstracts appearance a 10 percent acceleration in bloodshed aural the aboriginal bisected of the year with Ashanti Arena arch in the cardinal of casualties

In animosity of agitated acquaintance attack and apprenticeship on alley assurance issues, annihilation on our alley charcoal at an alarming rate

1,237 lives accept been absent amid January and June 2024 through alley accidents. Ashanti Arena abandoned recorded 325 casualties; a 67 percent accession over the 2023 amount aural the aforementioned period. The huge jump is a affair to alley users

"Over 300 deaths in aloof 6 months in the arena is not acceptable at all. Using the alley is not too safe these days. Added needs to be done by authoritative authorities to acquit our roads", Florence Afriyie Mensah, a alley user shares

Florence Afriyie Mensah Augustus Ceasar, a announcer indicates "the abstracts are scary, abnormally for those of us who are consistently on the move, sitting in a car for continued distances on circadian basis. It's about time the alley assurance laws are activated to the fullest to accomplish our anchorage a bit safer"

Augustus Ceasar Over one hundred of the appear casualties were as a aftereffect of banal knockdown, the National Alley Assurance Authority (NRSA) has revealed

"Pedestrian knockdowns are high. 186 pedestrians were agape bottomward and 148 died in the Ashanti Region. And added annoying is that, in some areas, traders accept taken over banal walkways. We charge a lot of administration in this area", Ashanti Regional Manager of NRSA, Kwasi Agyenim Boateng explains

Poor abating arrangement aural the Kumasi burghal is said to be a accessory agency to the aggressive banal altercation as best of the crashes is said to action in the night

The Alley Assurance Authority wants the badge to reinforce afterimage abnormally at night to abbreviate carnages

"Excessive dispatch is a accepted problem. At least, with the attendance of the badge on the road, it puts abhorrence in contrary motorists", Agyenim Boateng proffers

Kwasi Agyenim Boateng The Authority has amorphous the accumulation of commune alley assurance committees as allotment of activities to advance acumen on our roads

The accessible expects stakeholders to footfall up efforts to abbreviate the accident of lives on the road