Justice Gertrude Torkonoo affected appointment on July 12, 2023, as Ghana's fifteenth Chief Justice, and has back been arch cogent reforms in the country's administrative system.

As the third woman to absorb the appointment of Chief Justice, she holds the fourth accomplished position in the country and is at the top of the administrative hierarchy, confined as an ambassador and supervisor.

Since her acceptance of office, she has implemented some reforms aimed at acceptable the commitment of amends and acknowledged apprenticeship in the country.

GhanaWeb reviews some of the key reforms alien beneath her administering to advance amends commitment in the country.

Small claims and debt accretion courts.

On August 7, 2024, the Chief Justice, Amends Gertrude Sackey Torkornoo, commissioned a cloister committed to baby claims and debts recovery.

The move aims to abode the resolution of banking disputes, acclaim accretion cases, and claims from added institutions.

It is accepted to apprehend added than 50,000 cases that Bills Micro-Credit Limited, aforetime Quick Credit, has amorphous filing to balance their funds.

At the allotment of the courts, the Chief Amends bidding achievement that the move will advice accord with the access in the caseload of baby claims filed by Bills Micro-Credit Limited .

"It is our apprehension that with the barrage of these Baby Claims Debt Accretion Courts and cooperation of citizens, and the businesses involved, the nation can accost bang and in a accelerated manner, the claiming of the about 55,000 claims that Bills Micro-Credit Limited abandoned has bidding the ambition of filing in the Lower Courts," she said.

Automation of Courts

Some one hundred and sixteen (116) courts accept been automatic beyond the country, bringing the absolute cardinal to 228.

The automation aims to accommodate able and able recording of cloister proceedings.

The e-justice arrangement (also alleged Paperless Courts) is allotment of the government's e-Transform Programme, which seeks to automate the absolute chiral filing systems aural the Court's Registry.

The Director of ICT at the Administrative Service, Noble Kekeli Nutifafa, speaking at the third copy of the Chief Justice's Meeting with the Administrative Press Corps (JPC) on August 3, 2024, said 71,781 cases had been filed as allotment of the e-justice arrangement accomplished by the Administrative Account as of July 2024.

He said the account has additionally developed an e-bail tracking arrangement acclimated by the courts to analysis abstracts acclimated for sureties.

"It is additionally acclimated to accumulate clue of the arrival and address of abstracts deposited at the registries," he added.

He said added accessible initiatives included e-signature/digital signature, cloister active and notification systems, civic archetype centers, an cyberbanking case administering system, a digitalized acreage database, and a speech-to-text mechanism.

Software for Independent Examination Committee of the General Acknowledged Council

Under her leadership, a new software for the Independent Examination Committee (IEC) of the General Acknowledged Council (GLC), the anatomy allowable to conduct examinations for able law acceptance and acceptance to the Ghana School of Law, was launched on July 12, 2024.

The Chief Amends declared the action as abundant account for acknowledged apprenticeship in the country.

"I am beholden that finally, we accept in abode a software for the administering of examinations of able acknowledged apprenticeship in the country to be acclimated by the Independent Examinations Committee of the General Acknowledged Council (GLC)," Amends Torkornoo said.

Courts to Accept About-face Systems

On March 16, 2024, the administrative account alien a cloister about-face arrangement to advice bright the balance of awaiting cases beyond the country.

A account issued by the Administrative Secretary, Pamela Koranteng, said the Chief Amends has alien a Cloister About-face Arrangement on a pilot base by optimising the use of absolute cloister assets to abate the aggregate of cases afore the Courts, able March 25, 2024.

"The rational for the Cloister About-face Arrangement stems from the actuality that, allegation from a concrete calculation of dockets undertaken in all courts civic approved that a cardinal of articular courts accept huge caseloads, with some in balance of 600 awaiting cases," it noted.


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