During their address appointment to the Inspector General of Badge (IGP) and his aggregation on 6th July 2024, Advisers McGuire and Akuffo accent the transformative appulse of Dr Dampare's leadership. The advisers were accustomed a absolute bout of the Badge Headquarters, which included visits to the studios of GH Badge TV, the Badge Surveillance Centre, the Badge Shop, and the Emergency Command Centre

Canadian advisers acclaim Dampare for transforming Ghana Police Pulse Ghana Impressed by the facilities, the advisers acclaimed the immense allowances these innovations accompany to both the admiral of the Ghana Badge Service and the Ghanaian public. They commended the efforts in modernising the badge force, which they accept will decidedly enhance aegis and accessible trust

Encouraging Dr Dampare and his aggregation to abide their admirable work, the advisers emphasised the accent of comestible these efforts to ensure a safer and added defended Ghana

Canadian advisers acclaim Dampare for transforming Ghana Police Pulse Ghana The acceptance from all-embracing advisers underscores the absolute strides actuality fabricated beneath Dr Dampare's leadership, reinforcing the Ghana Badge Service's charge to arete and community-focused policing

The Ghana Badge Service has apparent amazing transformation beneath the Dampare-led administration in agreement of infrastructure, professionalism, noncombatant relationships, and aegis enhancement, amid added initiatives that accept enured to the account of the nation

Canadian advisers acclaim Dampare for transforming Ghana Police Pulse Ghana