Former Admiral John Drama­ni Mahama, the flagbearer of the Civic Democratic Congress (NDC) for the 2024 acclamation has said he would accede a appeal to carve a arena out of the Up­per East if he wins the election

The appropriate Kusaug Arena which con­sists of Bawku, Pusiga, Zebilla, Garu, Tem­pane and Binduri, the above admiral said meets the built-in beginning - popula­tion and acreage breadth - to be animated to a region­al status

• Mr Mahama with the Bawku Naba He said because the aegis claiming of the area, a new arena would acquiesce the aegis agencies accept a focused absorption on the breadth whiles bringing developments afterpiece to the people

The NDC baton gave this adumbration in acknowledgment to a appeal by the Bawku Naba, Asigri Abugrago Azoka II, for the arena back he visited the Bawku alcazar on day one of his Upper East bounded attack bout on Saturday. Speaking through an interpreter, the Bawku Naba said the appeal if advised would drive the development of the area

"My acceptable breadth which is all-inclusive in acreage accumulation and densely busy deserves upgrad­ing to bounded status. This, we believe, will accompany babyminding afterpiece to the bodies arch to a added account of the civic block by all in Kusaug," Asigri Abugrago Azoka II posited

The Bawku Naba additionally wants the above admiral to booty all acknowledged accomplish to restore accord and ataraxia to the breadth and drag the Savanna Agriculture Research Institute into a university to accord educational opportunities to the adolescence of the area

Responding to the appeal at a durbar of chiefs and bodies of Bawku, the above pres­ident said the appeal is already in a motion and a new NDC government would accord it a thought

"Your Member of Parliament, I'm acquainted has accounting a letter to the Speaker requesting that addition arena should be created out of the Upper East Arena to awning the six constitu­encies in the Bawku area

"Bawku Naba aloft it with me, and I told him in assumption I anticipate it's a acceptable abstraction for two reasons. One, for the acumen of bringing government afterpiece to the people. That's the arch acumen for which we actualize new regions and new districts

"The additional acumen is for security. Bawku is a appropriate aegis breadth because of the issues that accept been accident here. And so it would be a acceptable angle to accept a arena so that it can be a focus to accomplish abiding that we accord with the aegis issues as able-bodied as we can

"And so, I don't anticipate it's out of abode be­cause the belief are abased on population, they are abased on acreage size, and they are abased on bread-and-butter viability," he said to acclaim from the gathering

The Kusaug area, the above admiral said holds aerial bread-and-butter amount and would be a focus of his abutting administration

Top on the calendar for the breadth would be to restore abiding accord to Bawku and its bound to acquiesce the bodies go about their circadian activi­ties after hindrance, he added

The attack bout additionally took the above admiral to Pusiga, Garu, Tempane area he addressed mini rallies and interacted with added absorption groups