Forty-three-year-old David Blagodzi, a farmer, has been bedevilled by the Jasikan Circuit Cloister to 10 years imprisonment in adamantine labour for possessing armament after authority

Blagodzi, who appeared afore the court, presided over by Mr Michael Johnson Abbey, pleaded accusable to the allegation and was bedevilled on his own plea

The cloister added ordered that the armament be sold, and the gain deposited into the Consolidated Fund

Prosecuting, Assistant Superintendent of Badge (ASP) Seth Vicent Kpodo told the Cloister that the complainant was the Nkwanta Divisional Badge Command while the captive was a agriculturalist citizen at Chillinga abreast Nkwanta in the Oti Region

He said on July 17, at about 1330 hours while the badge were on their accepted assignment point at the Nkwanta barrier on the Nkwanta-Brewaniase Highway, they intercepted a red VW Golf with allotment cardinal GE 6527-12 from Brewaniase administration appear Nkwanta with the captive on board

ASP Kpodo said a chase was conducted on the agent and badge begin two cartons absolute 250 AAA cartridges and 250 00 cartridges were in the convict's bag placed in advanced of him in the advanced seat

He said the captive was arrested and was escorted calm with the display to the badge base for investigation, during which the captive accepted the answerability in his cautioned statement

ASP Kpodo said the captive appear that he advised to advertise the cartridges at Chillinga

The court, afore casual judgment, advised that Nkwanta was a belted breadth for the use of accoutrements and armament in any anatomy because of the conflict