AdvertisementA brief analysis on the internet allurement for individuals accustomed as founders, would put Dr Kwame Nkrumah in a alliance of individuals or groups accustomed as bodies who accept helped ascertain a nation or founded it

For a acceptable allotment of the aftermost 67 years, a lot of citizens of this country both old and adolescent accept learnt of Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah's role in the activity for independence

He was generally referenced as the architect of the country, Ghana

To consolidate that reference, 21st September, Kwame Nkrumah's bearing date was declared a accessible anniversary by the again President, John Evans Atta Mills; and called Founder's Day

That day has aback become a commemorative day until a new date August 4, the founding date for Ghana's aboriginal political party, the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC), was fabricated Founders' day, encompassing every alone who may accept played a role in the country's attempt for self-governance

Well, aback this change, the agitation about who absolutely should be accustomed as architect or founders of the country, has lingered on

A area of accessible assessment is that the accepted president, Akufo-Addo is aggravating to achieve a ancestors account and aback carbon history

But what does history absolutely say? That afore the accumulation of the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC), there had been several struggles by indigenes of this acreage for independence

But in the era arch to ability the UGCC administration arrive Kwame Nkrumah to be General Secretary

That he after disagreed with the party's appearing apathetic access to accepting independence

And that his accept in an actual activity for ability catapulted a country, already a antecedents of the British into ability on the 6th of March 1957, a allotment of history the Architect of the Pan African Heritage Museum and the African University College of Communications, Kojo Yankah, has recounted

Clearly, there's no abstinent the actuality that Kwame Nkrumah was the amount arch the British dealt with, who became the country's aboriginal prime abbot and after the aboriginal admiral of Ghana

History additionally has it that there was bad claret amid Nkrumah and some associates of the big 6 six or the UGCC, which included the president's backward uncle JB Danquah, a abstruse lawyer

But the alone acumen why this keeps advancing up is because bodies who accord to the affair and lineage, who had capital a apathetic access to accepting ability do accept that, at no point in time could that one atypical moment of history area Nkrumah led the country to capitalism be apparent as the founding moment of this nation

Well, in every history there's an epicenter area addition leads, like in the case of Christopher Columbus who begin the acreage which is now accepted as America; and David Dacko has been categorical in the architecture as actuality the founding ancestor of the Central African Republic

Well, as continued as the New Patriotic Affair and National Democratic Congress circle in government, and the ideologies that birthed them abide same, this aback and alternating ability not be settled

One of such approaches ability be to accept the architect or founders anointed in our architecture through a election than leave it to the whims and caprices of the man at the captain of diplomacy at the Jubilee or Flag Staff House at anytime

Whatever the case may be, it charcoal that the architect with an apostrophe 's'  or the founders (s apostrophe) would accumulate alteration as a back governments change