AdvertisementPressure accumulation Election Watch Ghana (EWG) is ambitious a retraction from above Commissioner of the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) Justice Francis Emile Short over contempo comments attributed to him

The retired adjudicator is said to accept abhorrent political parties for the contempo collision with the country's elections-management body, Balloter Commission, apropos its programmes

He adumbrated that the parties abort to appear IPAC meetings, area best of the accord apropos the programmes and behavior are reached

But in a account on Wednesday, July 31, active accordingly by convenors Jude Balma and Mark Ewusi Arkoh, EWG bidding shock and agitation at Justice Emile Short's stance

"As a above Justice, he should apperceive bigger than to acquit the EC of its responsibilities," it stated

"The EC's advised errors and abnegation to be cellophane are well-documented and accept been broadly accursed by political parties and stakeholders." It declared Justice Emile Short's comments as an attack to about-face accusation assimilate the parties and a "clear deflection" from the EC's failures

"We are aghast that Justice Short has been wrongfully abreast or has little ability of the accepted affairs at IPAC

"His comments authenticate a abridgement of compassionate of the issues at duke and the apropos of political parties and stakeholders

"Transparency and accountability are not optional; they are capital apparatus of a aboveboard balloter process." Election Watch Ghana says it will not be silenced nor absent by any attempts whatsoever to absolve the EC's actions

"We will abide to advance for a aboveboard and cellophane balloter action that serves the interests of all Ghanaians." It apprenticed the above CHRAJ Commissioner to seek broader assurance with stakeholders rather than relying on "pockets of inaccurate briefs"