“Actresses who overtook me are desperately looking for husbands” – Beverly Afaglo states

“Actresses who overtook me are desperately looking for husbands” – Beverly Afaglo states

Beverly Afaglo Baah, also known affectionately as Beverly Afaglo in the entertainment industry has recently shared her thoughts on the movie industry and marriage.

As the wife of Praye Honeho from the music group Praye, she expressed that many actresses who gained popularity in the movie industry after her marriage are now eager to find life partners.


While Beverly acknowledges that getting married may have had some impact on her career, she emphasized the significant value it has brought to her life by helping her build a loving family.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with Fiifi Pratt on Kingdom FM, Beverly Afaglo bragged that the other actresses may envy the stable and fulfilling family life she has achieved through marriage, which is something they too aspire to have.

“Marriage slows you down and those who are still single in the industry will overtake you though you started before them”

Source: Zionfelix
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