Accra Lions coach Tanko Ibrahim confident ahead of Nations FC challenge

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Accra Lions’ head coach, Ibrahim Tanko, expresses eagerness for an exciting encounter against Nations FC in the upcoming Ghana Premier League fixture, following their recent goalless draw against Aduana Stars.

With their sights set on Week 30, Accra Lions are gearing up to journey to the Ashanti Region for a challenging showdown against Nations FC.

Coach Ibrahim Tanko shares his anticipation for the upcoming match, highlighting the significance of the encounter as both teams vie for crucial points in the league standings.

“We are playing Nations FC.

I think only one point between us so definitely it’s going to be a good game over there,” Coach Ibrahim Tanko remarks, underlining the competitive nature of the impending clash.

Reflecting on their recent performance against Aduana Stars, Tanko expresses contentment with the outcome, acknowledging the resilience of their opponents while emphasizing the importance of the point earned.

“Aduana Stars made things difficult for us.

Aduana is a very experienced side, they came with a game and it worked for them.

One point against Aduana at home is okay.

We will prepare for the next game,” Coach Ibrahim Tanko reflects, recognizing the challenges posed by Aduana Stars and embracing the draw as a satisfactory result.

Looking ahead, Accra Lions are focused on their upcoming fixture against Nations FC, with preparations underway to ensure they are ready to deliver a competitive performance on the field.

The anticipation builds as the match between Nations FC and Accra Lions is scheduled to take place on May 18 at the Dr.

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