Feature: Football and numerology 8

Feature: Football and numerology 8

People born on the 9th, 18th or 27th and people with life path( explained in earlier articles) 9 and name number 9 and in some cases name component 9 come under the sway of this planet(god).

The power of a person’s name is felt with age, it’s therefore important for a name to have more 9s especially where the birth numbers have no 9.

For greater success the numbers should be compatible and they should have a 3 day or name or life path number or name component or c,l or u in their names.

Where a person’s day, month, or life path number is not 9, it’s of the essence that at least one of the name components sums up to 9, example: Ayew(18=9) or either one of the name components is of a compound number that has 9 in it, example: Eto’o (19 there is 9 behind 1 though not as strong as a 9 before 1 as in 91) either of these types of 9s is too weak and requires that such a person has at least one i or r (if the birth numbers don’t have 9 ) in one of the name components.

Born October 30, 1960 with a day number 3 and a life path number(3+0+1+0+1+9+6+0=20=2): 2 and a name number: 2(9+2=11=2).

Jupiter is the father of Mercury, therefore in a numerical chart where 3 and 5 work concurrently as the day and Life path numbers, or day and name numbers, or life path and name numbers, they can only pour their best blessings on the native(the person).

The 5s in his name and the life path number 3 which coordinates with the name number foretell that his greatness will continue well into his advancing years.  We cannot reach an end in analysing all the information his name and birth numbers bring, nonetheless over 90% of it will be considered in the course of this programme.

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