Reject Mahama; His Comeback Will Spell Doom For The NDC- Dela Coffie

Reject Mahama; His Comeback Will Spell Doom For The NDC- Dela Coffie
I love the idea of the NDC getting a fresh leader with a fresh mandate and without any excess baggage going into the 2020 elections, and to come out of the terrible mess Mahama has made of us. I think the repercussions of such an event will be great.

Make no mistake, the myriad of problems confronting the NDC today are not beyond our control. They are an amalgam of bad leadership, avarice, gluttony, and the discarding of our founding principles into the dustbin, by one man who thinks the survival of the NDC depends on his benevolence.

The NDC has lost it's moral rudder. Since February 2009, our party’s moral development and the commitment to our founding principles have been encumbered by a leadership with blurry vision, entitlement and twisted policies.

In a world of hostile competition, where leaders fight for the well-being of their people, we have lost our party to relational political learners who barely understand the link between party interest and their own inordinate political ambitions. Unlike Rawlings and to some extent, Mills who spoke on the political aspirations of their people, the “uninsightful” John Mahama is skilled in supporting policies that call for the exploitation of hard working footsoldiers and enrichment of his friends and family.

For the purposes of political convenience, Mahama is today promising to place NDC footsoldiers on salary if he ever comes back as the leader of the party. And this particular salary according to him is targeted to improve the lives of foot soldiers.

I think Mr Mahama is living in an isolated political bubble. Otherwise, what explains this latest talk of putting NDC footsoldiers on government payroll in his second coming? How does mr Mahama intends to do that?
This was a leader whose tenure saw the biggest neglect of the NDC footsoldiers, so much that, "Heroes fund" that Prof Mills established to cater for the NDC footsoldiers as insurance for any mishaps in the line of duty for the party got run down by Mahama. Yes, Mahama couldn't sustain the NDC welfare system bequited him, and yet he want another shot at the presidency with big promises.

This grandstanding prima-donna is doing the tough talking now because he want power for the sake of it. The desperation to come back to power is gradually destroying what is left of the former president.

Of all the contenders in the race, Mahama represents the choice that most endangers the stability and future of our great party. My conclusion is not based on prejudice of any kind. It is based on a factual analysis of Mahama's competence, of his rhetoric, and of his track record as the leader of this great party. From his moral turpitude to gross avarice and calculated treachery against the party's founding principles, and lack of respect for the founder, he’s hoping to return to divide the party even more.

Mahama remains the most divisive factor in NDC today. There are real serious divisions within the NDC, and Mahama has proven that he has no capacity to bring all forces under the umbrella.

We cannot afford to place our future in the hands of someone who is merely a good talker, one who believe “he has unfinished business to come back to.” We as party folks must practice the pragmatic thought process of selecting our next leader based upon what makes good sense and not what sounds good or feels good.
NDC risks staying in opposition forever if John Mahama get the nod to lead the party into the 2020 elections.

Any chance of mounting a respectable election campaign in 2020 will necessitate a different leader for the NDC. It cannot be the case that the NDC has run out of steam. We want somebody who can attract floating voters. Somebody who cannot be tagged with corruption, incompetent and so forth and so on.

So, again, setting differences aside, and regardless of the issues, John Mahama is just not the leader the NDC needs going forward. Mahama as a qualified returnee candidate is suicidal and suffocating. Actually, it is as suicidal as leaving a one year old child alone in the middle of a busy highway. His reign was one of bold, brazen, gluttonous self indulgence. The NDC need to stop him from continuing his nonstop stream of self serving, patronage, and horse and buggy politics. Mahama not only lacks a spine but he also shows no sign of having any bones whatsoever. His candidature is likely to open a bottomless pit can of worms; the "incompetent tag" and many other issues that the NPP placed at Mahama's doorsteps isn't just going away anytime soon.

The results of 2016 is a clear indictment of the Mahama era. There were just too many scandals that Mahama can be remembered for, and indeed the scandals under Mahama chipped away NDC's trust.
How is his comeback going to confront the perception that his government mismanaged the economy, misappropriated resources and elevated corruption to the highest level of governance? Will Ghanaians still give Mahama another opportunity to lead Ghana again after being rejected disgracefully by the same people a few years ago?

I am honestly running out of ways to say this nicely, but I'm going to give it one last shot; for me, Mahama brings virtually nothing to the table as a candidate in 2020, and it will be a huge gamble for the NDC to hand him the nomination.

This is a man who run on his own records as President in 2016 with all the advantages of incumbency and lost in a humiliating fashion of 44.4% with near one million vote margin. If you lose miserably by that margin as President and arguably the most popular candidate at the time, how then could you possibly overturn that margin in opposition? Will Mahama be able to overturn such a wide margin four years after the 2016 disaster with all the disadvantages associated with opposition politics?

Matter of fact; 2020 is going to be won on issues and whomever emerges to defeat President Addo D has to offer something that combats his courageous and principled leadership style, and with rigid adherence to principles. The person must also show he can be on offense without being offensive and convince people he has something to offer the people. Mahama is definately out of his depth and the NDC will be better served losing 2020 with a 'fresh candidate' and come back stronger in 2024 than to lose 2020 with Mahama as a candidate.

Truth is, if the NDC wants to salvage a speck of dignity, it's time to get Mahama out of the way. There's no way the party will have another chance anytime soon with him at the forefront. And Mahama himself needs to cut his losses and crawl into a vodka bottle and not climb out until the NDC redeem it's image. He needs to get over himself. He had his chance and carelessly gave away power on the platter of gold. There's no way in hell many of us will vote for him on the ticket.

And to the extent that he once confounded his critics by telling them to wait to see his back in 2016 if they really want him out, it is time for Mahama to find another way to contribute to our nation.

The NDC is in need of a strong center and a leader that would be acceptable by all. Mahama is certainly not that leader.

I shall be back.
Source: PeaceFMOnline
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